UV Assurance


2025 Investment Campaign


Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC)

What are GICs?

Grow your savings worry free thanks to the guaranteed investment certificate (GIC)

GIC investments, excluding the Market Index Uniflex funds, offer guaranteed capital and interest. You benefit from fixed interest rate during the investment. Your return is thus known and guaranteed from the deposit, no matter how well the financial market performs.

GIC products are ideal to:

  • Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
  • Retirement Savings (RRSP)
  • Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF)
  • Life Income Fund (LIF)
  • Locked-in Retirement Account (LIRA)

GIC investments are perfect to:

  • Save for a major project
  • Secure a part of your portfolio
  • Save for retirement
  • Get a retirement income


Uniflex is a competitive short-term investment product with 100% guaranteed interest rates for a period from 1 to 5 years. Investors know from the beginning the investment’s final performance.


  • Redeemable at all time (with penalties defined in contract)
  • Flexible thanks to choices of interest rates calculation: compound, simple yearly-allocated or simple monthly-allocated
  • Available for registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or non-registered, locked-in retirement accounts (LIRA), registered retirement income fund (RRIF), life income funds (LIF) or tax-free savings accounts (TFSA)


  • 100% protected capital
  • Fixed interest rates for the entire investment period (final performance set when contract is issued)s accounts (TFSA)

Check GIC products rates

10-Year Step-Up Uniflex

10-Year Step-Up Uniflex is a secure investment solution with growing annual interest rates for 10 years. It fits short-term to long-term investors as it is redeemable with no penalty at each policy anniversary.


  • Yearly compound interest rates
  • Available for registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or non-registered, locked-in retirement accounts (LIRA), and tax-free savings accounts (TFSA)


  • 100% protected capital
  • Guaranteed increasing interest rates for 10 years
  • Redeemable without penalty at each policy anniversary

Check GIC products rates

Uniflex 10

Uniflex 10 locks up capital for 10 years. It grows with the interest rate of Uniflex 5 years for the first 5 years, then at a subsidized interest rate for the following 5 years.


  • Redeemable at all time (with penalties defined in contract)
  • Yearly compound interest rates
  • Available for registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) or non-registered, locked-in retirement accounts (LIRA), and tax-free savings accounts (TFSA)


  • 100% protected capital
  • Higher interest rates than Progressive Uniflex as there is no redeem without penalty.

Check GIC products rates


Levelled Retirement Annuities

What are Levelled Retirement?

You want to convert savings into a regular income?
You saved for retirement during many years and it’s finally time to enjoy it. Putting your savings into UV Insurance’s hands means secure revenues at guaranteed minimum performance, without any financial risk. Discover which registered or prescribed annuities fit your needs.

Annuity certain

Ensure a guaranteed income independently of market and interest rates fluctuations. According to your needs, our certain annuities provide safe periodic revenue for a pre-established lapse of time. Moreover, in case of death before the end of annuities, remaining payments will be paid to your beneficiary.

Monthly annuity certain forecast

With a deposit of $100,000.

Guaranteed period Monthly annuity *
10 years $852
15 years $621
20 years $492


  • Guaranteed fixed income for a specific period
  • Payments not affected by market and interest rates fluctuations
  • Accessibility to investors of all ages

* According to interest rates in force on March 2015. The annuity amount can differ at the time of your demand. Invested capital, current interest rates and guaranteed length of the annuity will also affect the annuity payment.


Life annuity

Enjoy peace of mind thanks to fixed revenue for your entire life. Each month or each year, a guaranteed amount is paid, no matter market conditions and interest rates fluctuations.

Monthly life annuity forecast

A man and a woman of 65 years old both pay a $100,000 capital.

Guaranteed period Man’s monthly annuity payment ** Woman’s monthly annuity payment **
10 years $453 $414
15 years $436 $405
20 years $412 $392


  • Guaranteed fixed income for life
  • Savings cannot exhaust before death
  • Payments not affected by market and interest rates fluctuations

** According to interest rates in force on March 2015. The annuity amount can differ at the time of your demand. Invested capital, current interest rates, age and gender of the annuitant and guaranteed length of the annuity will also affect the annuity payment.

Joint and survivor annuity

Benefit from a fixed income all your life and ensure perpetual payments to your partner beyond your death. Thus, your partner will receive all guaranteed unpaid payments, ensuring financial sustainability and stability.

Monthly joint and survivor annuity forecast

An annuity on a 65 years old man’s life transferable at 100% or at 60% to his partner after his death, with a $100,000 deposit.

Guaranteed period Monthly joint and survivor annuity payment at 100 % *** Monthly joint and survivor annuity payment at 60 % ***
10 years $370 $400
15 years $369 $393
20 years $365 $382


  • Guaranteed fixed income for life
  • Savings cannot exhaust before death
  • Guaranteed revenue to spouse
  • Payments not affected by market and interest rates fluctuations

*** According to interest rates in force on March 2015. The annuity amount can differ at the time of your demand. Invested capital, current interest rates, age and gender of the annuitant and co-annuitant and guaranteed length of the annuity will also affect the annuity payment.


Retirement Savings (RRSP)

The RRSP helps you save for retirement.

Two benefits:

  • As contributions are deducted from your taxable income, the RRSP lowers your income tax.
  • As your investment earnings are tax-sheltered, your asset grows faster.

Your RRSP can be used up to $25,000 to buy your first home thanks to the Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP).

Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) helps anyone of 18 years old and more with a valid Canadian social insurance number to save tax-free for a specific project (renovation, car purchase, start-up launch) and to meet unexpected needs.

The TFSA is unique by its flexibility. You can withdraw amounts whenever you want it without being financially impacted.

4 reasons to save in a TFSA: 

  1. Grow your money tax-free all your life.
  2. Report what you did not deposit during the previous years (while respecting the annual contribution room).
  3. Withdraw any amount invested in your TFSA for a specific project or to cover an unexpected event, tax-free.
  4. Amounts invested in the TFSA are separated from your RRSP contribution room.


Annual TFSA Contribution Room
2025 $7,000
2024 $7,000
2023 $6,500
2022 $6,000
2021 $6,000
2020 $6,000
2019 $6,000
2017 $5,500
2016 $5,500
2015 $10,000
2014 $5,500
2013 $5,500
2012 $5,000
2011 $5,000
2010 $5,000
2009 $5,000


RRSP and TFSA : what are the difference?

TFSAs & RRSPs enable you to invest your money tax-free and to make it grow. Those investment accounts meet different needs and can even complete each other.

See RRSP and TFSA pages to learn more about those products.

Choosing the plan that fits your situation is sometime complex. Your financial advisor is here to help you make an informed choice.

Differences between TFSAs & RRSPs

 Characteristics TSFA RRSP
Contribution dates January 1 to December 31 March 3, 2025
Minimum age 18 years old None
Maximum age None
71 years old
Contribution room
  • 2025: $7,000
  • 2024: $7,000
  • 2023 : $6,500
18% of earned income for the previous year up to:

  • 2025: $32,490
  • 2024: $31,560
  • 2023: $30,780
Can we carry forward unused déductions? Yes, for an unlimited time. Yes, until your 71st birthday year.
Do we have to earn income to contribute? No Yes
Are contributions deductible from taxable income? No Yes
Do we have to pay tax if we withdraw an amount? No, withdrawals are tax-free. Yes, withdrawals are added to your taxable income for the same year.
Is investment income taxable? No No
What is the available contribution room? Unused amount of your annual contribution room accumulated since 2009. Unused amount of your annual contribution room accumulated since 1991.
Are we penalized if we contribute too much? Yes. A penalty of 1% per month. Yes. A penalty of 1% per month if your lifetime contribution surplus is higher than $2,000.
Are withdrawn amounts added to our contribution room? Yes. Available withdrawn amounts are added to the contribution room for the next year. No
Can we contribute to our spouse’s account? No. Amounts transferred to your spouse to contribute a TFSA are not subject to attribution rules. Yes. To be noted that the contributor benefits from the deduction in the calculation of their taxable income even if they are not the beneficiary.
Is there tax to refund upon death? No. Accumulated amounts until death can be transferred to the spouse without any impact. Yes. Except in case of a transfer to the spouse, a minor child or handicapped child.
Can we use this amount as a security for a loan? Yes No
Do we have to convert it at a certain age? No Yes, before your 71st birthday, you must convert your RRSP to a RRIF, buy an annuity or deregister your plan.